Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Sacred Cypress Springs

The Sacred Gem of Cypress Springs

As you make your way into the town limits of Vernon Fl you will not see anything extraordinary. You may even think to yourself how quaint, how typical like most of the small one light towns strewn throughout the country side of Northwest Fl. Little will know what lies nestled through the forest, swamps and misty bends of  Holmes Creek, through the surrounding cypress knobs and ancient trees you will find a blue gem. Shining, glowing in the sun light. A blue hole of sacred power called Cypress Springs.

Sacred because of the feeling of awe, mystery and magic you feel gazing upon it's waters. The ancient Indians deemed this blue spring a holy place, and taught of it's healing waters. Spanish explorers were also taken back by this pot of blue gold, some within groups felt that this may be the fountain of youth they had been searching for. To this very day Indian artifacts such as shards of pottery, and arrow heads as sharp as the day they were carved can be found lying on the bottom of this beautiful place.
As you steer the bow of your canoe towards the crisp blue waters of Cypress Springs run and leave the tannin waters of Holmes Creek behind you get a sense of excitement and confidence in knowing that today is going to be a great day. With every paddle stroke you get closer and further into the cooler crystal gin clear waters billowing from the 2nd magnitude spring. It is estimated that Cypress Springs incredibly produces up to 79 million gallons of fresh water a day from approximately 26 feet below the surface from a vent flow. The vent itself has been explored down to 75 feet. The combination of beauty and depth mixed with size and awe makes it a wonderful place for anyone, and everyone wanting to experience the very finest of what Fl springs can offer. Whether you are just exploring with the family, or free diving with you friends Cypress Springs has a bit of magic for everyone. 
As all beautiful things in this world may come and go Cypress Springs shares the fate with all other aquatic gems of its kind. It is posed with the constant threat of being destroyed by man, and our ability to create pollution, and other damaging effects. From toxic run off, to heavy boat traffic in the summer months it is a delicate ecosystem that deserves our help. Only truly accessible by water many visitors flock to the cool waters in the warmer months. In doing so they bring large pontoon, and motor boats laden with people, coolers, and trash. The boat traffic alone causes damage along the fragile shores, and bottom of Cypress's shallow run. On average the run is only 2 to 3 ft deep, boat props can and often leave scars along the bottom substrate. Boat wake sends damaging vibrations into the fragile shore. In the past few years I have seen a decline in vegetation, as I believe the human element is to blame. The more people realize that we can help this place, and others like it the better chance the area has of being preserved for many generations to come.
Thank you for you interest in this beautiful place, as it is one of my favorite places on Earth. Remember we are all stewards of this planet we call home and it is up to us to be the voice of these beautiful natural wonders. `JMF